Hi, I'm Johannes
A scientist and open-source enthusiast situated in Boston, MA. Currently, I work as a research specialist in the Grigorieff Lab at UMass Chan Medical School/HHMI.
My research interests are the mechanism of mechanosensation during hearing and hematopoietic differentiation and malignancies. I love developing new methods to understand how these things work. At the moment, I believe that cryo-electron microscopy of native tissues is the best path to solve my research questions.
I enjoy creating software and visualizations using Python, whatever web-technology is hot right now, Blender, and C++.
If you want to talk about science, software, or anything in between you can contact me by email or Slack: jojotux123 at hotmail.com.

Dynamic cytoplasmic fluidity during morphogenesis in a human fungal pathogen
Serrano A, Puerner C, Plumb E, Chevalier L, Elferich J, Sinn LR, Grigorieff N, Ralser M, Delarue M, Bassilana M, Arkowitz RA
bioRxiv 2024 Nov 17
Cryo-electron tomographic investigation of native hippocampal glutamatergic synapses
Matsui A, Spangler C, Elferich J, Shiozaki M, Jean N, Zhao X, Qin M, Zhong H, Yu , Gouaux E
eLife 2024 Nov 4
CTFFIND5 provides improved insight into quality, tilt and thickness of TEM samples
Elferich J, Kong L, Zottig X, Grigorieff N
bioRxiv 2024 Feb 28
Single molecule studies of the native hair cell mechanosensory transduction complex
Clark S, Mitra J, Elferich J, Goehring A, Ge J, Ha T, Gouaux E
bioRxiv 2023 Dec 12
Workflows for In-Situ Structural Biology Using DeCo-LACE and cisTEM
New England Cryo-EM meeting 2023 (Yale) 2023
SlidesCodeCryo-EM imaging of biomolecular complexes in their native environment: From the rare mechanosensory transduction complex to the abundant ribosome
Seminar at OHSU 2022
SlidesCodeImaging molecules in their native environment: Cryo-electron tomography of PCDH15 complexes in mouse stereocilia
Gatan webinar 2022
RecordingSlidesCodeHigh-throughput in-situ cryo-EM of hematopoietic differentiation
SBGrid Consortium talk 2021
Scientific web visualizations

DeCo-LACE viewer
An OpenSeadragon and Blender based visualization of DeCo-LACE montaged 2DTM data.